I am home! What a wonderful weekend indeed! We had such nice weather! We attended one of Logan's friends' baptism's yesterday, and today we were able to go to Carrie and Sam's baby blessing. I'm so glad that I get to induct them into the 3-boys club. I am the official President and new members don't come along everyday. It's a very prestigious club, and it's pretty hard to get into. Well, we all can't be winners, right? These are the things I tell myself to not be so sad about not having a daughter...
I just have to post a bit about little Sammie. First of all, I didn't realize he's the second counselor in the bishopric! Are we really that old? Oh my gosh!
Secondly, I saw Sam really as a grown up today. What a neat sight! He bore his testimony and I was so proud of him! I just cried and cried!
He was always such a good boy, but to see him grow into a wonderful dad and husband is such a neat thing. Who would of thought that the boy that taught me the f word would now be serving in the bishopric?! Or the boy that would take off his diaper in the road and run around naked? Or let's see, the boy who got into his mom's candy from her candy store and gave our free baseball bubblegums to the neighborhood? Ahh, or the boy that hit his sister in the face in a pillow fight, but "forgot" there was a book in his pillowcase and gave her a bloody nose? I also remember the "bird lover", Mr. Clumsy, his doll, or dumping turkey grease all over the Morphin's newly washed truck. Shauna kicking down our huts, eating dry jello powder from the downstairs bathroom (I know, the Sweets always had jello in their downstairs bathroom!) and spending lots of time in the ditch behind our house. Now those really were good times!
It was so good to see all of the Sweets today. I feel myself very lucky to have friends such as the Bezzants and Sweets that truly are family. We really coudln't be any more related or any closer than any family member.
How I wish I had a photo of Sam when he was little to post. He was such a doll!
Kudos to Carrie and Sam - they have created such a strong and wonderful family. They are a great example to us all!
I just had to add a photo - what's a posting without one? I love this one of Laurel, me and Ryan. 3 of the Notorious Hansen 7.
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1 week ago
sniff, sniff...you brought a tear to my eye with your posting! I have heard enough stories about Sam's childhood that it truly does make me happy that he turned into such a great grown up! He was called into the bishopric in February, about 3 weeks before Cameron was born. Kind of hectic. However, it did get me released from my RS pres calling so that was kind of good timing! Thank you so much for coming to the blessing! I wish we could have hung out more, but we had to rush to my cousin's baby blessing in Lindon. We need to get together and play, especially since I am now an official member of the "3 boys club"!
Thank you so much for you comments Angie. I was so glad to see you guys and Becky there. We promise to have a gathering with the next one, it was wierd to not get together after.
yeah, I know..."your" comments
i thought i had been keeping up on your blog and WHAM! you've been to burmuda and china!! when russ goes to china he eats everything!! I loved seeing you and your darling boys- hugs to everyone!
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