Spencer (or as Katie used to call him, Butser) turned 11 on September 10th! We had an employee visit from China and she asked which one of my boys was my favorite? I told her I loved them all for different reasons. Spencer, I love how incredibly smart and analitical he is. I love that he has his own mind and really analyzes everything and doesn't take things necessarily at face value. I mean, the kid wouldn't read fiction books for the longest time! They weren't true, so he stuck to the dictionary and encylopedia. No kidding!
He was such a good baby - he hardly ever cried and didn't really talk until he was 2. I really think he didn't say anything because he felt he didn't have anything profound enough to say yet.
How I would sum up the birth of Spencer? Love at first sight. I absolutely adored him the minute I saw him (I think you can see a little of that adoration in the picture above).
I wish I could go back in time - I often wonder how I didn't just sit and love and play with my boys? How did I ever get anything done? If I could go back, I'm sure I wouldn't get anything done, but I also wouldn't care if I did.
Spence is incredibly funny, he just doesn't put it out there like Bryant does. He can do GREAT impressions (ask him to do the impression of the farmer on Napoleon Dymanite. It cracks me up).
A typical conversation with Spencer is as such (this is a true conversation):
Mom: Wow! Look at the sunset - it's gorgeous!
Spencer: Actually mom, it's really sad because the colors are created by pollution. The more pollution, the better the sunset.
You have got to love him.
He LOVES the Packers (we didn't teach him to love them, he just does!), anything with sugar, twice baked potatoes, math, science, the game Apples to Apples, Funniest Home Videos (who doesn't love a good kick to the crotch?), and the Beatles.
He is incredibly sensitive to the mood of our home, particularly to the mood of his mom and dad. He can sense everything, no matter how hard I try to hide things. He has such faith, he is my example (we used to call him the Prayer Police) and he is an extreme perfectionist, almost to a fault. He's a such a good boy that I am proud to be the mother of. I love you Spence!
I often think my boys are too good to come from my loins. Now the truth comes out, pictured above is Spencer's birth parents.
I love this pic- it reminds me of before Ginger and DJ had kids - Ginger and DJ both ADORED the boys and loved to spend time with them. I never had to watch my kids or change a diaper when Gin was around!
Sarah P. and Spencer on their first day of pre-school. They are the best of friends/cousins.
Bryant decided Spence needed a trim. This is the result of me fixing his hair - having to save it all off!
I just had to throw this one in. Evil Spice a.k.a Sarah P cracks me up in photo. Spencer's like "What the....?"
LIVE REPLAY – Layered Stenciling & Stamping
1 week ago
We love Butser!!
His pictures crack me up, especially the one with evil spice. (That doesn't even look like Sarah).
I'm glad he had a happy birthday, tell him that we love him.
I am totally crying! I miss when our kids were like siblings and we did everything together. And I laughed till I peed my pants at the picture at Halloween. It had ALL the right elements: Reese with no shirt on, Bryant as Batman (wasn't he batman for about 4 years in a row?), me as a one-armed vietnam vet man with a cigarette, and Laurel as some sort of prostitute. Oh, those were good times!!
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SPENCER!!! I love that kid, and I love everything you described about him! When he was born, I remember how I felt when I held him. He's the best!
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